How To Get A Record Deal (AudioBook)
How To Get A Record Deal (AudioBook)
Legendary rapper, Slick Rick, is the voice for Wendy Day's highly acclaimed How To Get A Record Deal book. Written by Wendy Day from Rap Coalition to educate rapper's, singers, and musicians about how to build a career in the music business by signing a contract with a record label.
Wendy and Rick have been good friends for many years, and when Rick heard there was a book to help artists navigate the music industry, he offered to be the voice of the audio book. Wendy thought this was a wonderful idea as his voice is iconic and Slick Rick is a legend in the music industry. "Not only is he a hero of mine, but he's a hero to many! Rick came into the music industry in the 1980s when there was no path, so he created the path," says Wendy Day.
"Wendy Day is one of the few people I've trusted in my career. She gives it to you straight, and she gets the job done. We share a passion for helping artists excel," explains Slick Rick.
This digital mp3 version of the book will be emailed to you upon purchase. You can listen to the audio book on any mp3 app, program, or player, or you can import it into your iTunes to listen to it.
- Who The Heck Is Wendy Day?
- Turning Music Into Money
- The Cold Hard Truth
- The Major Labels
- The Sub-Labels
- Types Of Record Deals
- 360 Deals
- Indie Labels
- Independent Record Labels
- Unsigned VS Indie
- What Labels Are Looking For
- The Current State Of The Business
- The Playing Field Is Leveled
- The Splintering Effect
- Cash Rules
- Greed Took Over
- 40 Is Not The New 30
- Selling Music In A Changing Economy
- Building Your Incredible Buzz
- Who Is Your Fan?
- Start With Great Music
- Target Area
- Time In
- Recording Contracts
- The Qualities You Need To Succeed
- Dedication